Diet in CKD or Kidney Failure

In my clinical practice I get some diet related queries from CKD patients. Today I will discuss about these FAQs. Potassium rich foods and CKD: Many patients ask about dangers of elevated potassium levels in blood and the reasons for not eating potassium rich food. The elevated levels of potassium in blood leads to problems…

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Living Long and Healthy with CKD!

If a CKD patient starts taking homeopathic treatment in the early stages, take care of their diet, avoid taking unnecessary medicines, do regular walk or exercise; then I have seen that the reason for their death is not CKD, and they also live long and healthy life. Heart disease in CKD patients I have seen…

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Causes of CKD (Kidney Failure)

What are the causes of kidney failure or CKD? There are many reasons of kidney failure, but we would talk about the most common causes. Diabetes: According to my clinical experience diabetes especially uncontrolled diabetes is one of the most common causes of kidney failure. Diabetes causes diabetic nephropathy. Extra sugar present in a diabetic…

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7 Early Signs of Cancer

Today I would discuss 7 signs and symptoms, with the help of which cancer can be diagnosed in its early stages. Friends, it is very important to diagnose and treat cancer in its early stages. The stage at which cancer is diagnosed decides whether cancer can be completely cured or not. In early stages, cancer…

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